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Sunday, August 7, 2011


One of the first dishes I really mastered is Risotto. No one else in my family makes it much (if ever) so when I come to town, they rely on me to do it. But I don't mind because it is a delicious dish! You need time and patience to make risotto. There is an old Italian joke that women always have their mother-in-laws make the risotto so that they stay by the stove and out of everyone's hair. I hope that's not why my family has ME make risotto! haha. I don't think that's the case. But here's the recipe. You can definitely play around with it and customize it for what you are looking to eat.

Start by boiling 2 pints of chicken stock. You can really use anything for this- fish stock, beef stock, veggie stock. OR in the past I have wanted risotto and did not have any stock so I boiled water with different spices and seasonings in it. And I PROMISE you, it came out delicious. In fact, the last time I made this, I used water seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and celery salt. And it was honestly one of my best batches of risotto.

Let that come to a boil and saute an onion in in a big pan. You can also add any veggies that you plan to add at this point. I usually do mushrooms- any kind and sometimes a mixture of mushrooms. Traditionally, people add carrots and celery, but I don't bother to be honest.

By the time the liquid is boiling, the veggies should be done. Add about 1.5 cups of arborio rice. This is the ONLY kind of risotto rice. Let the rice cook for about a minute to get translucent.

Then pour a nice splash of white wine to loosen everything off the bottom of the pan. Then scoop one ladle of liquid into the rice and let it absorb. Do not add any more ladles until everything has been absorbed. Continue this until it's done. Then when it is, make sure to add a little bit of butter to make it shiny and some parmesan cheese for more flavor. It's so yummy and creamy and you will definitely see why you ask your mother-in-law to make it.


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