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Friday, August 5, 2011

My Shopping Routine


I hate the idea of going to the grocery store and pacing back and forth across the whole store trying to find something you are looking for, while trying to dodge running into people in the slim isles. And usually once you left the freezer section and make it all the way across to the other side where the produce is, you realized you forgot to get something in that isle. It's tiring sometimes! But... I get to grocery shop at Wegmans...

My idea of grocery stores will NEVER be the same again. And no other grocery store can be compared! I...LOVE...WEGMANS! It's not just a grocery store; it's a way of life. If you have been to one, you know. If not, you think I am crazy, but trust me... I am only crazy for Wegmans! Since it's only my husband and I, I have the luxury of only having to do a big grocery shopping about every two weeks. But when I go, I go hard. I STOCK UP! But, it's easy to go to the store and come home with $200 worth of food and not feel like you have anything to eat the following day. Take a few tips from me..

Keep healthy snacks out on the counter in plain sight. It's easy to forget about the gorgeous fruit you left in the back of fridge or the mixed nuts in the pantry. Put them in bowls and make them accent pieces!

Usually I keep just plain nuts, but this time I decided to splurge and go for a yummy trail mix!

Take your produce out the bag before you put it in the drawer!! The food is so much easier to see and will inspire you to cook/eat it! It will also help you to see if it's about to go bad and needs to be cooked/eaten right away. It always seems that we end up throwing away SO much produce.

This is some great healthy food and good stuff for on the go! Greek yogurt? Such a good thing to bring to work and eat at your desk. A can of soda if you're being bad or a bottle of water for the other 99% of the time.

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